You have talent but you lack direction all there is here is a knife and blood at the end of the day if you really want to get attention try making a smilling face in high detail and work off that to give yourself a style so when people see your name on a submission they say ''hey I like the other stuff he did I wonder what the new one is?''and then you have a fan.
You don't have any art, you have some okay sketches that might lead you to a good idea, but what you have here isn't much too look at. Try putting some time into your work, draft some ideas and develop them. And if you put a little thought into a piece it will mean more to you and i guarantee it will look better because you'll make it better. Find a good book on the basics and learn some of those first, then you can let your mind wander and you'll have a lot more to work with. Everyone can create art, it's just few people take the time. Good Luck and have fun!
thanks thats great advice i got some books i could read on anatomy and weaponcraft so ill be getting better this is some of my first art